We appreciate all the support from our corporate donors and sponsors for the 2024 season. Check out some of our GOLD level sponsors and thank them for supporting ASU Lacrosse
1. HARRIS - Manufacturing, Housing, Commercial Brokerage - Harris Website
2. Valley Athletic Booster Club (VABC) - VABC Website

As a corporate sponsor, we can offer advertising opportunities within our media, including advertisements in our game day guide handed out at all home games as well as right here on our website. Sponsorship can make a difference by helping provide safer travel, better equipment, and greatly easing the financial burden placed on our student-athletes. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss sponsorship opportunities with you and expand on what it takes to run our program.
Media Guide – at least 7 Home Games
Available Sizes for Media Guide
Full Page - $500.00
1/2 Page - $350.00
1/4 Page - $200.00
Business Card* - $100.00
*Provide electronic business card or actual card for scanning
Full page is approximately 5.5 x 4.25
All adds posted on our website will be up for a full calendar year until the next season's adds start coming in!
Home Page Ad with link - $2000.00
Sponsor Page Ad with link - $1000.00
If you're interested in adding your sponsor support for ASU Men's Lacrosse. Please download and complete our Ad-Rate Sheet and email our advisory board Vice President at nhillier@asulacrosse.com